
Welcome to the Adsorbents@UC database!

This database is a collection of key data on adsorbent materials studied for gas adsorption. Here you can:

  1. Create 2D and 3D ‘bound’ plots comparing materials by their capacity, selectivity, and heat of adsorption.
  2. Download ‘bound’ plots for use in publications or presentations.
  3. Upload your own data points to contextualize the performance of your adsorbent materials.

The purpose and limitations of these bound plots are described in our research publications “An upper bound visualization of design trade-offs in adsorbent materials for gas separations: alkene/alkane adsorbents” Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 6950-6959 and “An Upper Bound Visualization of Design Trade-Offs in Adsorbent Materials for Gas Separations: CO2, N2, CH4, H2, O2, Xe, Kr, and Ar Adsorbents” Adv. Sci., 2023, 10, 2206437.

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