Metal–organic framework derived nanoporous carbons with highly selective adsorption and separation of xenon

DOI: 10.1039/C8TA02091D

Jan. 1, 2018


Data points

# Adsorbent Gas q / mol kg⁻¹ S / mol mol⁻¹ -ΔH / kJ mol⁻¹
4563 ZIF-11 Xenon/Krypton 1.22 3.05 None
4564 AC Xenon/Krypton 3.75 9.0 22.5
4565 Z11CB-700 Xenon/Krypton 2.92 12.5 27.5
4566 Z11CB-800 Xenon/Krypton 3.96 11.9 24.0
4567 Z11CB-900 Xenon/Krypton 4.09 11.88 25.0
4568 Z11CB-1000 Xenon/Krypton 4.38 12.5 25.0
4569 Z11CB-1100 Xenon/Krypton 4.02 12.1 25.0
4570 Z11CBF-1000-2 Xenon/Krypton 4.87 13.0 23.0