Tunable CO2 Adsorbents by Mixed-Linker Synthesis and Postsynthetic Modification of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks.

DOI: 10.1021/jp312590r

Jan. 1, 2013


Data points

# Adsorbent Gas q / mol kg⁻¹ S / mol mol⁻¹ -ΔH / kJ mol⁻¹
1702 ZIF-8-ambz-(14) Carbon dioxide/Methane 0.71 2.75 19.4
1703 ZIF-8-ambz-(24) Carbon dioxide/Methane 0.78 3.25 20.4
1704 ZIF-8-ambz-(47) Carbon dioxide/Methane 0.49 3.5 22.1
1705 ZIF-8-90-(50) Carbon dioxide/Methane 1.37 5.7 25.6
1706 ZIF-en Carbon dioxide/Methane 1.57 11.24 33.9