Selective dynamic separation of Xe and Kr in Co-MOF-74 through strong binding strength between Xe atom and unsaturated Co2+ site.

DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2016.09.005

Jan. 1, 2016


Data points

# Adsorbent Gas q / mol kg⁻¹ S / mol mol⁻¹ -ΔH / kJ mol⁻¹
4321 Co-MOF-74 Xenon/Krypton 7.5 10.5 29.0
4322 Co-MOF-74 Xenon/Krypton 7.5 12.0 29.0
4323 Mg-MOF-74 Xenon/Krypton 7.0 9.0 25.0
4324 Mg-MOF-74 Xenon/Krypton 7.0 6.5 25.0
4325 Zn-MOF-74 Xenon/Krypton 4.5 7.0 27.0
4326 Zn-MOF-74 Xenon/Krypton 4.5 6.5 27.0