Selective adsorption of ethylene over ethane and propylene over propane in the metal–organic frameworks M2(dobdc) (M = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn)

DOI: 10.1039/C3SC00032J

Feb. 26, 2013


Data points

# Adsorbent Gas q / mol kg⁻¹ S / mol mol⁻¹ -ΔH / kJ mol⁻¹
46 Mn2(dobdc) Ethene/Ethane 6.33 8.13 44.0
48 Fe2(dobdc) Ethene/Ethane 6.3 13.6 46.0
49 Mg2(dobdc) Ethene/Ethane 6.24 4.44 42.0
50 Co2(dobdc) Ethene/Ethane 6.07 5.82 44.0
53 Ni2(dobdc) Ethene/Ethane 6.01 5.93 None
54 Zn2(dobdc) Ethene/Ethane 5.38 2.7 36.0
273 Mg2(dobdc) Propene/Propane 7.49 5.55 47.5
278 Mn2(dobdc) Propene/Propane 7.23 16.6 48.5
281 Ni2(dobdc) Propene/Propane 6.96 10.4 47.5
282 Fe2(dobdc) Propene/Propane 6.9 14.7 44.0
283 Co2(dobdc) Propene/Propane 6.84 8.63 45.0
285 Zn2(dobdc) Propene/Propane 6.31 3.89 47.5