Modelling adsorption based on an isoreticular MOF -series of IFPs -Part I : Collection of physical properties and single component equilibria.

DOI: 10.1002/cjce.24286

Jan. 1, 2021


Data points

# Adsorbent Gas q / mol kg⁻¹ S / mol mol⁻¹ -ΔH / kJ mol⁻¹
897 IFP-1 Carbon dioxide/Methane 2.0 2.35 24.0
898 IFP-2 Carbon dioxide/Methane 1.4 2.55 26.0
899 IFP-3 Carbon dioxide/Methane 2.2 2.44 22.0
900 IFP-4 Carbon dioxide/Methane 1.2 2.4 19.0
901 IFP-5 Carbon dioxide/Methane 1.5 2.5 15.0
902 IFP-6 Carbon dioxide/Methane 2.0 3.08 32.0
903 IFP-7 Carbon dioxide/Methane 0.9 2.0 6.0
904 IFP-8 Carbon dioxide/Methane 1.9 2.37 11.0