Selectivity of gas phase adsorption of propene and propane onto mesoporous silica materials derivatised with Ag(I) and Cu(II) at low surface coverages: comparison between equilibrium adsorption and flow microcalorimetry studies

DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2005.01.003

Aug. 15, 2005


Data points

# Adsorbent Gas q / mol kg⁻¹ S / mol mol⁻¹ -ΔH / kJ mol⁻¹
332 SiAl20Ag20IM Propene/Propane 1.21 5.3 111.5
338 SiAl20Cu7EX Propene/Propane 1.1 2.39 None
342 SiAl20Cu10DI Propene/Propane 1.0 1.6 42.2
344 SiAl20Ag20EX Propene/Propane 0.9 3.2 73.2
346 SiAl20Ag20DI Propene/Propane 0.8 1.9 89.4
347 SiAl20Cu10IM Propene/Propane 0.6 1.58 23.8