Adsorption of argon and nitrogen in X-faujasites: relationships for understanding the interactions with monovalent and divalent cations.

DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2004.10.017

Jan. 1, 2005


Data points

# Adsorbent Gas q / mol kg⁻¹ S / mol mol⁻¹ -ΔH / kJ mol⁻¹
3915 LiX faujasites Nitrogen/Argon 0.08 3.44 24.8
3916 NaX faujasites Nitrogen/Argon 0.02 2.71 19.0
3917 KX faujasites Nitrogen/Argon 0.01 1.31 14.0
3918 CaX faujasites Nitrogen/Argon 0.05 7.72 27.0
3919 SrX faujasites Nitrogen/Argon 0.04 10.0 26.0
3920 BaX faujasites Nitrogen/Argon 0.0 2.94 21.0